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Showing posts with the label Liver transplant
EVER THINK OF DONATING PART OF YOUR LIVER TO A LIVER PATIENT? IT'S SCARY -- EVEN TO THINK -- BUT PERHAPS THE BRAVEST DECISION YOU'LL EVER MAKE IN YOUR LIFE. YOU THINK YOUR ACTION MIGHT SAVE ONE LIFE, BUT ACTUALLY YOU'RE SAVING MANY LIVES. IN BUDDHISM -- or any other religions -- donating an organ to someone who needs it most is incomparable act of merit-making and saving-life. No act is more so selfless than giving one or more of your working organs to save life of a fellow human being. But before you become a liver donor, you have to go through a series of blood tests and screening. You need to meet the following requirements. You are: Aged between 18 and 55; Have a minimum body weight of 50 kg;  Have the same blood group as the recipient or blood group O; Have to do a number of blood tests and screening of your liver; Are are generally healthy with no health issues. If you passed all the basic requirements, you are pretty much sure to become a liver don...